Search Terms: 如何して*, どうして*
I can't for the life of me remember her address
The problem defies solution
No matter how hard I try, I can't remember the exact words
For the life of me I can't understand what you say
We could not open the box anyhow
This handle will not turn
Why don't you ever say it
I'm sorry to say I don't remember your name
I cannot understand it for the life of me
I simply cannot put up with her manners
The engine would not start
I just can't make up my mind
He wouldn't allow me to drive his car
Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it
I just can't memorize students' names
How on earth did you know that
He would not go with me for anything
I could not solve this problem by any means
Let's check why your answers differ from mine
At first he was all at sea in his new job
Why did you come home so late
Why did you say such a stupid thing
What made you say such a stupid thing as that
The lid of this box won't lift
The door will not open; the lock must be out of order
Nobody could explain how the thing was made
"Why are you going to Japan?" "To attend a conference in Tokyo.
I could never make him believe what I said
Why are you under the desk
I don't know how such a rumor got about
It was raining hard, but she insisted on going for a drive
He could not bring himself to believe her story
She could not quite bring herself to adopt a child
I really have to do this work today
I don't know why it took me so long to get over my cold this time
She could not bring herself to jump into the water
Why did you call me at this unearthly hour
When he would not give them higher pay, they went on strike
Why are you holding my hands
He goes and sits outside the class but he can't stop laughing
How can you make your way in life without a good education
You mustn't go out now. Why not
How dare you speak to me like that
Clara asked me why I worked so hard
At first he was all at sea in his new job
I could not remember his name for the life of me
Being spoken to by a foreigner, I did not know what to do
He will never forgive my debt
He would not go to school for all the world
I couldn't remember ever having met her
They are eager to win the next game
Sadako wanted to say more, but her mouth and tongue wouldn't move
The hostess couldn't possibly tolerate his arrogance
How come you made such a mistake
Your help is vital to the success of our plan
Why have you bought the same camera as I have
What do you want such an old car for
How come you didn't call me last night
How can we be sure of his honesty
In fact sleep is vital to us
Not knowing what to do, I telephoned the police
Why can Taro speak English so well
This stain won't come out
Not knowing what to do, we telephoned the police
Why didn't you get one before we left
Why is it you can write a letter in English this well, but can't speak in it
I have no idea why he quit his job suddenly
She would not follow my advice
I cannot figure out why he has done that
I failed to recall the song's title
My father would not permit me to go on to college
How did this dangerous state come about
She would never own up to a mistake
I cannot possibly finish the work by tomorrow
The field is crying out for rain
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