Your search matched 1055 sentences.
Search Terms: どこ*

Sentence results (showing 511-610 of 1055 results)

Where was he going

I don't know where he comes from

Nobody knows where Bill has gone

Where did they come from

Where's your better half

Where does your sister go to school

I must have made a mistake somewhere

Where shall I wait for you

Where is the mate to this sock

Where is the museum

I have a rough idea where it is

What should I see

Where on earth did you go last night

Where has she gone

Where will you go for the vacation

Where did you find that doll

Where did you put our key to the house

Where did you have your suit made

Everywhere you go, you will find the same scenery

Where the heck does he work

I don't know where you're from, and neither does he

Where do you attend high school

Where were you making for last night

I wonder where she lives

Where's the checkout counter

We are worried about where he is now

The police found out where the criminal lived

Where can I get my baggage

"Where have you been?" "I've been to the dentist.

He is every bit a scholar

What's the destination of this ship

Where were you

Where should I pick the tickets up

Where did you learn English

Where is the entrance to the museum

Where is the nearest station

Where shall we eat tonight

Is there a telephone anywhere

Where are you going to stay in the States

His dog follows him wherever he goes

The ring was not to be found anywhere

Where did the accident take place

Where will we meet

She is living in some village in India

Where can I rent a car

I remember seeing her somewhere

Excuse me, but where is the library

Do you know where George bought his tennis racket

Excuse me, but could you tell me where the post office is

Is there anything wrong with you

God knows where he has gone

Are you going away this summer

Is something wrong with you

No one could tell where she was

Where will we eat

Where did you get this beautiful dress

Where is the baggage for flight JL 123

He was welcome wherever he went

Where does he come from

You will have seen this photograph somewhere

Where can I park

The document was nowhere to be found

No matter where you go, I'll follow you

Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation

Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation

I wonder where she has gone

No one could tell where he was

Where are you going on vacation

What is the capital of the United States

I wonder where she had her photograph taken

I remember meeting her somewhere

Where did you get your hair cut

Let's have a tea break somewhere around there

Where would you like to sit

I remember seeing her somewhere

I remember seeing her somewhere

Let's decide together where to go first

Where would you like to go first

What ails you

Where is the nearest telephone

I may have met him somewhere before, but I can't recall where

Where shall I drop you off

His house is somewhere about here

Where do I pay for the gas

I lost my wallet somewhere around here

Which joint did you dislocate

He went to Narita or somewhere

Where can Yoko have gone

Would you like to go have a drink

Where in Japan did you grow up

We have to draw a line somewhere

She looked as though she had seen me somewhere before

Where? I'd like to take one, too

If you need me, I'll be somewhere around

Are you not feeling well

But you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going

Where should we dispose of the waste

I don't know where it is
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