Your search matched 60 sentences.

Sentence results (showing 21-60 of 60 results)

It is not likely that he did it on purpose to deceive me

I asked him to do that

It was easy for me to do so

I've made a mistake, though I didn't intend to

Could you wrap it for mailing

I'll do it, if you insist

If the boss says you've got to work overtime, then there's no choice but to do so

My father was no less affectionate and tender to me than my mother was

He commanded me to do it

I warned you not to do so, didn't I

He did it just for fun

I did so with a view to pleasing him

I did so, not because I wanted to, but because I had to

The boy does not dare to do so

He made it clear that he intended to do so

I will do it at the first opportunity

I didn't go out at all because you told me not to

It is absolutely impossible to do so

He had every reason for doing so

It was to his profit to do so

It is incumbent on you to do so

It is not likely that he did it on purpose

It is not etiquette to do so

She did it against her will

If I get time, I will

He is a man of his word, so if he said he'd help, he will

I don't think we should do that

She did so for her own sake, not for your sake

For the first time in my life, I felt a pang of conscience, but there was no other way out

Give me a hand. If you do, I'll buy you a drink later

We have no choice but to do so

Yes, please do

I want to split up, but I know I couldn't even if I tried

Please do so by all means

He was told to stand up, and he did so slowly

I don't blame you for doing that

If you need to go off-line, that is fine

No sooner had I done so than it began to rain

He himself did it