Your search matched 175 sentences.
Search Terms: 宜しい*, よろしい*

Sentence results (showing 11-110 of 175 results)

You can go anywhere you like

You don't need to study today

You may sit here

Might I ask your name and address

Count as one fractions of half a yen and over, but ignore those of less

You may go at once

Could you repeat that

You may stay here as long as you keep quiet

You may use my bicycle such as it is

You may go home now

You may stay here as long as you keep quiet

Might I ask your address

You may take anything you like

Can I entrust the task to you

Which would you rather have, tea or coffee

When should I return the car

You may use my car

May I speak to you a minute

You may use my pen

You may take any picture you like

"Which line should I get in?" "Any line is fine.

May I talk with you for a moment

You can leave the room now

By and large, your idea is a good one

Might I ask your name and address

"May I park here?" "No, you must not.

May I talk to you now

Do you mind if I call on you tomorrow

Are you ready to order

May I call on you today

You can stay here as long as you keep quiet

May I see your passport

OK, so that's it for me. Now I'll hand things over to the next speaker

OK. I agree

You can say whatever you want to

All is well

May I ask you a question

You may stay here as long as you keep quiet

You may use my dictionary

You can keep this one for yourself

You may invite whoever wants to come

Do you fancy it is all right

May I come see you this afternoon

When would it be convenient for you

May I use your phone

May I borrow this book

She may use this typewriter

May I go with him

Might I ask you a personal question

Do you have a few minutes to spare

Might I ask your name

Might I ask your name

When I asked whether I might talk with him a moment, he said, "By all means.

Do you mind if I open the window and let the smoke out

Will this dictionary do

May I ask a question

You may sit down on the chair

"Do you mind my borrowing your microscope?" "No, not at all.

Will you permit us to leave now

You may sit here

Can I put this up for you

Do you mind my making a suggestion

May I come and see you tomorrow

I was wondering if I could take a vacation next week

May I take a rest for a while

Do you mind my making a suggestion

You may go home

You don't have to stay home

May I have the honor of asking you

Can I use your telephone

Could I park my car here

May I use your telephone

You may give the ticket to whomever you like

If you care to, you may come with us

You may take the book if you can read it

You may invite to the festival whoever wants to come

You may take anything you like

You can go if you want to

Would you like your coffee with or after the meal

Could I use your pencil

I will give you permission to do it

You can do it at your leisure

Can I take your order now

Is it convenient for you if I come at 5 p.m.

It is all right so far

My father is much better. He will be up and about in a week

Can we go to the shops for sweets, please

Would you mind my opening the door

Where would you like to sit

May I ask you what your weight is

Would you mind if I borrowed your car

May I go out for a walk

Can I use your telephone

May I borrow your bike
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