Your search matched 429 sentences.
Search Terms: 如何して*, どうして*

Sentence results (showing 411-426 of 429 results)

How can I feel relaxed, with you watching me like that

I just can't seem to outdo him. I've got a lot to learn

Hiroki was at a loss what to do

How does a child acquire that understanding

The tar won't come off. I'm going to have to take this skirt to the dry cleaner

How can you make a living from selling newspapers

What put such an idea into your head

How did you come to hear of it

Why have you kept such an excellent wine back till now

"Why didn't you come?" "I had no choice.

This window won't open. See if you can get it to move

Women - why do they want to go to toilet in groups? I don't get it at all

Why did they turn down your proposal

How can I forget those days
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