Your search matched 39 sentences.

Sentence results (showing 21-39 of 39 results)

How's the weather there

How's the weather there

How's the weather there

Those books are mine

I have not yet learned whether he reached there or not

How are things for you up there

Sorry I won't be there

How is the weather there

She will be there by now

Shall I have him call you

How should I get there from the airport

Don't fail to call me back

I'll call you up this evening

You worry about yourself. If you put your back out and can't stand we'll go home without you

"I'm not sleeping. I'm always just skiving off." "That way's even worse!

You have Halloween and Thanksgiving Day

I will have her call you as soon as she comes back

Isn't this Central Driving School

He'll be there, rain or shine