Your search matched 2 words and 16 sentences.
Search Terms: ひょっとして*

Dictionary results(showing 2 results)

by any chance, (should) it happen (that), by some chance

te-form (Conjugated match)
adverb, auxillary suru verb
possibly, perhaps, perchance(onomatopia)
unintentionally, accidentally(onomatopia)

Sentence results (showing 1-10 of 16 results)

Do you happen to know of a cheap hotel near here

She might know the answer

Do you mean you met her!

Do you happen to know his name

Do you happen to know his name

Do you happen to know his name

Do you have an extra English dictionary by any chance

She might know the answer

Do you, by any chance, think you will succeed

Did you happen to see her yesterday
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