Your search matched 31 sentences.
Search Terms: *燭*

Sentence results (showing 11-31 of 31 results)

The candle went out instead of having been put out

Would you put out the candles

The candle burned out

She blew out all eight of her birthday candles

Blow out all the candles on the birthday cake at once

Make a wish and blow out the candles

Those candles burned the table

Burning the candle at both ends reduces the candle to wax in a hurry - just like a playboy having a pretty girl on each arm

Who in the world lighted the candle

Please put some candles on the birthday cake

I blew the candle out

He blew out the candles on the cake

The candle flickered a few times and then went out

The candle was blown out by the wind

He blew out the candle

She blew out all the candles on the birthday cake

He lit a candle in the dark

The candle has gone out

Ken lighted the candles

Cecil lit a candle