Your search matched 22 sentences.
Search Terms: ぼんやり*

Sentence results (showing 11-22 of 22 results)

She was idly looking out of the window

She has an absent look on her face

The alert officer perceived a dim shape in the distance

The fact is apparent to the most casual observer

She was idly turning over the pages of a magazine

He was idly turning over the pages of a magazine

He stood dazedly watching the beauty of the Alpine dawn

The alert guard perceived a dim shape in the distance

If you didn't have your head in the clouds, you could succeed

Don't look away idly; just pay attention to what you're doing

They stood idle, instead of putting their shoulder to the wheel

The fat woman, the young couple, the sleeping Indian and the tall man in black, but now skin and flesh and hair had disappeared, and empty eye sockets stared from gleaming white skulls