Your search matched 53 sentences.

Sentence results (showing 21-53 of 53 results)

Please come to the counter at least an hour before your flight

Is your mother at home

Here comes our teacher

Where have you been this week

How would you like to come and spend a week with us next year

Won't you come and see me next week

Won't you come to dine with us

When did you come to Japan

This is Mike speaking. May I speak to Hiroshi, please

I take for granted that you will be coming to the meeting

Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in spring

"My lady is in her chamber," said the servant

Is there a doctor in the house

Wouldn't you like to come with us, too

Is there anybody who would like to go see a live concert of Lady Gaga with me

Wouldn't you like to come with us, too

How long have you been in Japan

Is this Mr Crouch

I understand you're visiting from America

Would you like to come over to our house for dinner

How long have you been in Kobe

Did anybody recommend us to you

Has anybody here made a profit in futures trading

We've nearly finished preparations. How about taking a nap

You are fortunate to have such loving parents

How many are there in your party, sir

In this line of work, if you make a grim face the customers won't come

I really look forward to your visit in the near future