Definition of ワープロ

word processor(abbreviation, computer term)
Example sentences(showing 1-20 of 36 results)

Will you show me your new word processor today

Something is wrong with this word-processor

You can use the word processor anytime

I was anxious for a new word processor

I will buy you a new word processor

Should the word processor go wrong, we guarantee to replace it free of charge

If you weren't careless, your word processor wouldn't break down

May I use this word processor

They are substituting word processors for typewriters

I have the same word-processor as this

This word-processor is very convenient

Something is wrong with this word processor

I bought this word processor at a reasonable price

I must have someone repair my word processor

The word processor has saved me much time

He is expert with a word processor

I bought a word processor for making a book on my own

I used to type my letters, but now I use a word processor

The word processor will save you a lot of trouble

Her word processor is far better than that
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