Your search matched 1 words and 50 sentences.
Search Terms: からと言って*

Dictionary results(showing 1 results)

just because, even if, even though(usually kana)

Sentence results (showing 1-10 of 50 results)

My health is none the better for my exercise

No matter how close we may be, I can not ask him to do that

You don't have to think you aren't going to make it just because others have failed

They did not oppose the project just because they feared public opinion

Don't stay indoors because it is cold outside

You needn't be ashamed because you failed the exam

Of course you can't say that it's worth nothing because it isn't perfect, so that doesn't mean that GTD is useless

Don't be discouraged because you are not very talented

Just because he is poor, it does not follow that he is unhappy

Just because he's wise doesn't mean that he's honest
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