Your search matched 39 words.
Search Terms: *韻*

Dictionary results(showing 26-39 of 39 results)

(music of) wind through pine trees

repeated rhymes (in Chinese poetry), recurring rhymes

taru-adjective, to-adverb
(a work of art being) sublime, transcendent(archaism, yojijukugo)

qieyun (ancient Chinese dictionary arranged by rhyme, displaying characters' meanings and representing their pronunciation with fanqie)

noun, no-adjective
rhyming word, rhyme(not a short rhyming poem)

elegant appreciation of nature through artistic pursuits such as poetry, painting and calligraphy(yojijukugo)

noun, auxillary suru verb
Chinese poem, poem, rhyme(honorific language, archaism)

no-adjective, taru-adjective, to-adverb
(sound) lingering in the air, trailing notes (of a bell, etc.)(archaism, yojijukugo)
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