Search Terms: 堪らない*, たまらない*
A cold beer would hit the spot
I'm aching to tell this good news to my family
She was impatient to know his address
Tell me about it. I'm all ears
They are impatient for their lunch
He was itching for a ticket to the concert
Her folks cannot help worrying about her wound
She had an itch to see her child
She was aching to go to the party
He was all eagerness to see her
He was impatient to see his son
I am full of anxiety about the future
I was itching for him to finish his talk
Tom is eager for the apple
I'm dying to see my mother
She hungered for a sight of her mother
Kids really want balloons
The urge to brag on his recent successes was irresistible
They found it exciting to play baseball on the playground
Do you want to see her very much
I'm dying to go to New York
I'm aching to go to Australia
I can't bear to tramp ten miles in this heat
Memories of childhood still lie near her heart
There are people who go mad for the nostalgic feel and also those who love originality
Tell me about it. I'm all ears
The mountaineer craved fresh water