Your search matched 32 sentences.
Search Terms: その内*

Sentence results (showing 11-32 of 32 results)

I'll take you there one of these days

He'll have an accident one of these days if he keeps driving like that

The conference will commence in due course

I love trying out new things, so I always buy products as soon as they hit the store shelves. Of course, half the time I end up wishing I hadn't

The thief is certain to be caught eventually

You will soon learn to speak English well

"Do you mind if I call on you sometime?" "No, not at all.

The truth will be got at before long

The facts will be known in due time

Then the pen fell from my hand and I just listened

The results of the survey will be announced in due course

Some of them are red; others are brown

You will learn how to do it in time

In due time, his innocence will be proven

Though many books are published, hardly a few of them are of value

Don't be so worked up over this thing. It will all blow over before you know it

Three of the planes have not yet reported home

Pretty soon, there was an elevated train going back and forth just above the small village

He's always talking like a big shot, but it won't be long before all his faults are exposed

If you buddy up to everybody and anybody, pretty soon people will think you're just a people-pleaser

I will take you to the zoo one of these days

Cheer up! It will soon come out all right