Your search matched 223 sentences.

Sentence results (showing 21-120 of 223 results)

How did he respond to the news

I was very much surprised at the news

I was surprised at the news this morning

They were excited over the news

I was surprised at the news

There is a piece of good news for you

Their job is to read the news clearly and carefully

I met Meg, who told me the news

I am much surprised at the news

She's not yet heard the news

She was surprised at the news

He was surprised to hear the news

They were surprised to hear the news

We were surprised at the news

I was taken aback by the news

I am happy to hear the news

I remember telling her that news

He was worried about this news

He contradicted the news

I felt like crying at the news

When she heard the news, she was not happy

The news turned out false

The news that he would come, quickly got abroad

"Any good news in today's paper?" "No, nothing in particular.

I told the news to everyone I met

The students were highly pleased at the news

The news quickly spread

I was shocked by yesterday's news

She was not a little surprised at the news

The news may well be true

The news turned out to be true

I cannot express how happy I was at the news

Is there any fresh news

I was surprised at the news

I heard the news on the radio

I was surprised at this news

She was sorry to hear the bad news

Can the news be true

Can the news be true

He told the news to everyone he met there

The news turned out true in a week

I met him yesterday, when he told me the news

Mother was surprised at the news

The newspaper supplies news

The TV newscast informs us of daily news

The news is of great importance

All containing news of his concerts and various activities

The news has just come on the radio

The news delighted him

The news was rushed into print

He looked surprised at the news

Do you have any good news

Can the news be true

I got the news from a reliable source

The whole neighborhood was surprised at the news

The news proved to be true

They will be surprised to hear the news

Strange to say, he didn't know the news

You can believe me, because I heard this news first hand

These days when I hear about these horrible incidents on the news I get the feeling that more and more young people are losing their ability to distinguish between real and virtual worlds

He decided to put the murder trial first in the evening news

I turned on the radio to listen to the news

I heard the news on the radio

The news had a great impact on us

She reported the news

Newspapers did not report that news

He heard the news on the radio

How do you like that TV news program

She turned pale at the news

He turned pale at the news

We were surprised at the news

Is there any special news in today's paper

The news had an impact on him

I'm afraid there's been some awful news

How did he respond to the news

FEN does not carry domestic news

The news that he died was a shock to me

The news was about my company, so it struck close to home

The news of the accident was sent out at once over the radio

You will be able to get the news from him tomorrow

The news spread little by little

The whole neighborhood was surprised at the news

She knows the news better than her father

It is not to be denied but that the news was a great shock to her

The news soon spread all over the village

We broadcast news on the hour

Did you hear the news on the radio this morning

Did you tell the news to your friends

The news that he died was a shock to me

When did you hear the news

The news leaked out

Have you heard the latest news about the war

Phone me the news

I could hardly wait to hear the news

Those present at the meeting were surprised at the news

The Asahi Shimbun did not carry that news
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