Kanji details for

Uses 6 strokes
Taught in Junior high

Search words that:
- start with 迅
- end with 迅
- contain 迅
swift, fast
  • ジン
Written with 6 strokes
Taught in Junior high
Example words(showing 9 results)

na-adjective, noun
quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt, streamlined, expedited, expeditious

noun, no-adjective, adverbial noun, auxillary suru verb
being irresistible, being furiously vigorous, being intensely forceful(yojijukugo)

noun, na-adjective
quick and decisive, fast and daring, swift and resolute(yojijukugo)

noun, na-adjective
quick and decisive, fast and daring(yojijukugo)

the (fast) pace at which life passes, and thus the nearness of death, promptitude of the changes of the times(yojijukugo)