Your search matched 37 sentences.

Sentence results (showing 21-37 of 37 results)

He will love her forever

The emotion they gave me was exquisite, but I could not preserve it, nor could I indefinitely repeat it; the most beautiful things in the world finished by boring me

If he keeps drifting aimlessly, his late father will turn over in his grave

We'll always be friends

The girls' chatter was endless

She never lets you forget her clean-cut image

Take care of yourselves

I saw a woman at the church, whose beauty made a lasting impression on me

Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret

We will be together forever

I'd stop worrying about it and take some action. The anxiety that comes from doing nothing is worse than any danger you might face

"I just wish that I could be with you forever and always," replied the little black rabbit

Stop being such a hard-ass. Come on over

I don't think we can keep the lid on the scandal much longer; people are bound to find out

You can complain 'til the cows come home, but it's not going to make a bit of difference