Your search matched 133 sentences.
Search Terms: 済みません*

Sentence results (showing 111-133 of 133 results)

Excuse me, but where is the men's shoe department

Eh? Have we run out of toner? Oh well, sorry, but can you go the staff-room and get some, Katou

I'm sorry, but that's all we have right now

Excuse me, but I feel sick

Sorry, I've gone and jumped to conclusions again

Sorry, I've got my hands full now

I'm sorry, but they're out of stock

I'm sorry to trouble you

I'm sorry. I have another appointment

It was nice of you to go to so much trouble

Would you please give me some more tea

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time

Please answer the phone

I'm sorry to trouble you so much

Sorry, that's a typo

This is off-topic. Sorry

Excuse me, I'm lost

Crutches are pretty tricky ... "Excuse me, stretcher coming through!

It's a typo. Sorry

I'm very sorry to have troubled you

I'm sorry to trouble you

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long